
How do I create sub-directories?

How to Create a Sub-folder using FTP

We recommend using the “create directory/ Mkdir” feature in our recommended FTP client software (WS_FTP). Please note that subdirectories cannot be created under the root directory, you may only create subdirectories under your public_html/ directory.

How to Create a Sub-folder in cPanel

  1. Visit your cPanel login page in a browser and login.
  2. Click on File Manager.
  3. Navigate to the folder where you want this new sub-folder to live.
  4. At the top of the screen, click the + Folder option.
  5. Enter the Name of the folder in the pop-up prompt.
  6. Confirm the location (path) is correct, or modify the path for the location of your folder.
  7. Click the Create Folder button to save it.
  8. The new folder should now be available in the list of files and directories.