
Image Protection

Control Panel (Unix accounts only) will allow you to assign authorized web sites that may link to images within specific directories of your account.

Click the WEB FTP button in your Control Panel.  Select the directory that contains the files you wish to protect (htdocs, for example, or a subdirectory of htdocs). Click “Image Protection”.

In the first text area, enter any and all urls for web sites that should be authorized to view your images. Anyone NOT listed in this box will not be able to properly link to your images within their <img src> tags.

In the file type field, enter all files types that you wish to apply the image protection rules to. This feature is case sensitive, meaning if you type the file type in lowercase, it will only apply the rules to images with lowercase file extensions. (Example: If your image is named umbrella.GIF, you must type “GIF” in the field to protect it, not “gif”.)

The last field is your “return file”, seen when an unauthorized party is attempting to link to your image file.
If you leave this field blank, the visitor will see a “broken image” (usually a red “X”). Otherwise, you may specify the url of an image that unauthorized parties will view instead. (For example: You might create an image of a black box with white type that reads “This image is protected”. You can upload this image to a directory in your account and type in the entire url of this image’s location in the last field of your Image Protection feature.)