*This is legacy information. We no longer support this software.
How do I install SoftCart Encryption program on a Mac?
The following steps will walk you through the process of configuring the Mercantec SoftCart Encryption software for use on your Macintosh system. First make sure the necessary files are on your system. These should have loaded into a folder called “mercantec” on your desktop. If you are missing this folder please try running the encryption CD again, if you still do not have the folder on your desktop, please contact Support at support@webii.net for further assistance. Once you’ve verified the files are there, you will need to open your browser of choice in order to configure it. Below are the steps to configure either Netscape or Internet Explorer, or your internet preferences file.
If you use Netscape, please follow these steps:
1) Open your browser
2) Click on edit -> preferences -> applications -> new, this series of
clicks should bring up a window with several fields that need to
be filled in.
3) The fields should be filled in as follows:
Description: mercantec keygen program
Mime Type: application/x-mercantec-keygen
Suffixes: .keygen
4) Click on application, then click on choose, and select the file “keygen”
from within the mercantec folder on your desktop
5) When you are done hit ‘OK’ to exit from that window
6) You know need to add another file, repeat the process above until the
window appears with the various fields, place the following
information in those fields:
Description: Mercantec OLF File
Mime Type: application/x-mercantec-olf
Suffixes: .olf
7) Click on application, then click on choose, and select the file “MDS”
from within the mercantec folder on your desktop
8 ) When done click “OK” till you are back to Netscape
9) NOTE: You will have to close and restart Netscape for the changes to
take place.
If you use Internet Explorer, please use the following steps
1) Open Internet Explorer and click on preferences -> file helpers -> add
2) Here you will see a window with several blank fields, fill in the fields
like this:
Description: mercantec keygen program
Extensions: .keygen
Mime Type: application/x-mercantec-keygen
3) Next, under the section labeled “File Type” click on “Browse” and select
the file “keygen” from the folder “mercantec” on your
4) If it did not automatically appear, there is a are labeled “File type”
with a small entry field next to it. Type in “APPL” into this field.
5) Down towards the bottom now you will se a section called “Handling”,
click on “Browse” in this section
6) Select the file “keygen” from the folder “mercantec” on your desktop
7) Under “How to Handle” you should have the following entry:
post – process with application
8 ) Click “OK” till you are back at Internet Explorer then repeat the steps
above for the following entry:
Description: Mercantec OLF File
Extensions: .olf
Mime Type: application/x-mercantec-olf
9) Next, under the section labeled “File Type” click on “Browse” and select
the file “MDS” from the folder “mercantec” on your
10) If it did not automatically appear, there is a are labeled “File type”
with a small entry field next to it. Type in “APPL” into this field.
11) Down towards the bottom now you will se a section called “Handling”,
click on “Browse” in this section
12) Select the file “keygen” from the folder “mercantec” on your desktop
13) Under “How to Handle” you should have the following entry:
post – process with application
14) Click “OK” till you are back at Internet Explorer.
15) NOTE: You will probably need to restart Internet Explorer for the
changes to take affect.