How do I add/delete/edit a forwarder?

Adding a Forwarder

If you need your email account set up in cPanel to forward to another account, forwarders can easily be added in cPanel. Follow these steps to set this up:

  1. Click on the Forwarders page, which is found under the blue EMAIL tab on your cPanel home page.
  2. Click the blue Add Forwarder button.
  3. On this page, enter the email address that is forwarding under Address to Forward:. Please note, you only need to type the part of the address before the “@”. The second field is a dropdown to choose the domain (the part after @), if you have accounts for multiple domains.
  4. Enter the email address that is receiving under Forward to Email Address in the Destination section.
  5. Click the blue Add Forwarder button to save this new forwarder. It will now appear in the list of forwarders on the Forwarders page.

Deleting a Forwarder

To delete an existing forwarder:

  1. Click on the Forwarders page, which is found under the blue EMAIL tab on your cPanel home page.
  2. This page will show a list of existing forwarders set up for this account in cPanel. Next to the forwarder in question, click the Delete option with the trashcan symbol to remove this forwarder.

Editing a Forwarder

There is no option in cPanel to edit an existing forwarder, so you will first need to delete the existing forwarder, then re-add it with the updated settings. See the two sections above for instructions on adding and deleting forwarders.

There are additional advanced options for forwarders, which are detailed in cPanel’s documentation: