online sales Category
E-Commerce Website Holiday Statistics from 2017 to Inform Your Holiday Prep
by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, October 30th, 2018
By all accounts, the 2017 holiday shopping season was a record-breaking one for e-commerce websites. From record overall sales to never-before-seen boons for small businesses. It seems that almost everyone had a chance to benefit from people’s growing love of shopping online. Now is the time (or, actually, past time) to begin prepping for this [&he

How to Create Effective E-Commerce Holiday Promotions
by Ruth Hawk
Friday, December 4th, 2015
Creating holiday promotions that maximize your sales and build on consumers' natural inclination to buy can make a huge difference in how your e-commerce website performs.

The Difference Between Online Marketing and Sales Conversion
by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
Online marketing is not the same as online sales. It's part of the path to get there.