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Questions Every Web Design Should Answer
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, March 26th, 2018
Accessible and effective customer support is important in making sure that customers' questions are answered and that they feel comfortable buying from your e-commerce website. However, one strategy websites should consider adopting is heading off many of those questions before they even arise with effective web design strategies.

10 Tips for Creating a Useful FAQ Page
by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, September 5th, 2017
When it comes to answering potential customers’ questions about your e-commerce website’s products and services, an FAQ page can be a valuable asset. This list of commonly asked questions can alleviate people’s concerns about purchasing from you, tell them more about your brand, and support your other marketing and search engine optimization effort

How to Improve the Web Design of Your Homepage
by Ruth Hawk
Friday, February 10th, 2017
The homepage is almost always the most visited page on a website. Creating a more effective homepage, therefore, can improve the performance of your entire site. Use some of the following tips to improve the web design of your homepage.

How to Capture Last Minute Holiday Sales on Your E-Commerce Website
by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, December 15th, 2016
The holiday shopping season is quickly coming to a close. Capture last-minute sales through your e-commerce website with a few smart techniques.

Common WordPress Development Mistakes
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, November 14th, 2016
WordPress development, when done right, can leave you with a powerful and appealing space for your visitors. However, there are some mistakes you need to avoid.

5 Ways Your Business Website Can Be Better Today
by Lizzy Cederberg
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
A business website should above all be informative and easy for visitors to understand. It needs to have a homepage, an about page, a contact page, and some pages that explain specific services or products. Many business websites end there, but adding a few other features and pages can take your site from good to […]

Tech Tips: Put a Twitter Badge on Your Page
by Bobby Martinez
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
Update: no longer exists. It is also important to note that the Twitter badge has since been dubbed the Verified badge. Twitter is one of the hottest trends on the internet right now. For those of you not in the know, it’s what is called a microblogging service. It’s basically a page that stores […]

How to Tell if Your Website Server is Down
by Bobby Martinez
Wednesday, September 9th, 2009
Are you asking yourself, “Is my website down?” There are many, many different things that can cause a connection error between you and your website. Just because you can’t load your website, it doesn’t mean that your web hosting server is actually down. If your web browser is displaying a connection error, try these things [&helli