holiday website tips Category
Holiday Gift Guides: 5 Reasons to Add One to Your E-Commerce Website
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, December 3rd, 2018
American consumers are set to spend almost $800 each on holiday gifts this year. They are welcoming suggestions for where to spend those dollars. In fact, more than half of shoppers want, and use, guidance from retailers to help them choose the presents they buy. If that statistic alone isn’t enough to get you started […]

Tips for Promoting Holiday Products on Your E-Commerce Website
by Ruth Hawk
Saturday, November 24th, 2018
Between now and the end of December, website visitors will have one goal: To find holiday gifts to purchase. With more than a hundred billion dollars up for grabs, successfully promoting your holiday products on your e-commerce website is critical to a profitable season. Begin now! Implement promotional strategies that make it easy for visitors […

How to Prepare Your E-Commerce Website for the Holidays
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, November 30th, 2015
Even if you already have a compelling and profitable site, there are a number of things you can do to make it even more effective during the holidays.