Report Card Time

Though the symbols may have changed from Stars and Smiles as kinder gardeners, to classic letter grades elementary school, and eventually to the 4.0 scale of college, most of our lives we have been weighed, measured, and valued on the basis of the all-mighty report card.

For all of you out there who are nostalgic for these grades, we have found quite a useful tool for you for grading your website. This site is actually called:

When going here, all that you have to do is put in the name of your website and your email address and it will display a report card of how your site is doing in regards to its marketing effectiveness. They will provide data for your blog, site presence, Twitter,  and other social media outlets.

If your site doesn’t meet to expectations, maybe it needs some extra ‘tutoring’ with our SEO services! To find out more information about how we can make your site more visible please don’t hesitate to give us a call or email us today!