Reinforcing Your Brand

Photo by Izabella Bed? on Pexels

You always hear the term “brand” and “branding,” but have you figured out how that translates to your company? You might think your brand is strong but you should consider giving it a good critique to see if it’s living up to the expectations you have for it.

Your brand is compromised of many elements — your logo, color scheme, tag lines, design elements, and more. It is the meaning behind your company. It helps define the attitudes and associations individuals make about your company. It encompasses all that your company is.

You have a “brand” in your head and you hope most people think of your brand when they hear your company’s name. Hoping and knowing are two completely different things. The best way to build and strengthen your brand is to critique it and make sure it is clearly defined.

To have a well-defined brand that everyone recognizes can be tough, but you can do it. Your brand should be everywhere! You can’t let it slide on this or that, you have to keep it consistent through everything you do. From letterhead to your blog’s color scheme … your brand should be there. Your website should be an extension of your brand, as well as all of your other marketing materials. Even your word choice on your marketing materials defines your brand. Your brand should clearly shine through all of your messages.

Building a brand is tough. The key is to have a clear, concise theme and message behind your brand  — that will take you further than some sloppy ole’ mess thrown together in a paper sack.