Anyone Can Write!: The Guide to Publishing Your First Business E-Book

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

E-books, or electronic books, are exactly what you think they would be. They are book files that you can read on a device, rather than in a printed copy. No matter what size device you are accessing them on, they are able to fit your screen so that you can easily follow along. This goes […]

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The Three Pillars of SEO

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, July 8th, 2022

I bet most SEO professionals get this question a lot: “What is SEO?” As search engine optimization has evolved over the years, the definition has remained confusing to many website owners. Ultimately, people want to know what kind of work is going to be done to achieve results. My first comment to these inquisitors is […]

Three Pillars of SEO

Why Should I Build My Website on WordPress?

by Megan Marshall
Friday, July 8th, 2022

If you aren’t super familiar with content management systems (CMS), it can be a challenge to pin down which one you should use. As the name implies, a CMS is a software application that is used to manage content. Multiple contributors are able to access the content database to help with creation, edits, and publication. […]

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6 Reasons Why Using Pinterest for Business is a Good Idea

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, July 5th, 2022

Get it out of your mind that Pinterest is just for personal inspiration. Sure, you can find some delicious recipes for dishes you’ve never tried. And, sure, you can make vision boards with extremely detailed birthday party themes. But Pinterest is about so much more than that. You may be surprised to find how great […]

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Improve Your Web Application Architecture with Secure Development

by Megan Marshall
Friday, July 1st, 2022

It’s likely that you interact with web applications on a daily basis. After all, your email program is a web application. So is Microsoft 365, Netflix, and—one of our personal favorites—Canva. In order to access a web application, all you need is a connection to the internet. It’s as simple as logging into your account. […]

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