WWW Learning Center Category

All You Really Need to Know About Website Design You Learned While Trick-or-Treating

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, October 31st, 2008

Remember going door-to-door as a kid on Halloween? It was all about the treats. Every kid on the block set out to see which house would have the best candy that year – the house with the biggest bunch of chocolates and lollipops. But there was always that one house that disappointed – nothing but […]

Blog Basics

by Bryan Lokey
Friday, October 24th, 2008

You may have noticed the increasing popularity of blogs on the Internet. Blogs are not just for personal use and are not simply a soapbox; they are a great way to build content for your website, attracting both visitors and search engines. Hosting your own blog can be free and easy. Getting started with WordPress […]

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Questions About “DIY SEO”

by Bobby Martinez
Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Update: This article contains outdated information. Please refer to: https://www.webii.net/blog/2015/05/tips-for-diy-seo-in-2015/ We often field questions about search engines and how a small business with a limited budget can drive traffic to its website. Most people want to know, what can they do themselves, without hiring anyone, without spending much

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Just Say No To Free Template Software

by Rachael Pierce
Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

You may have seen small budget providers offer free ‘do-it-yourself’ website building software, and it looks so easy you don’t know why you should pass it up. But before you jump into that template software, know what you are actually getting. When you use templates to design your website, your website is usually not consistent. [&helli

Hello Out There!

by Rachael Pierce
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Hello. I am a potential customer. I’d love to talk to you about your product. Heck, I’d even like to buy it. But I need one question answered. Can you help me? Wait, I am on your website. I can just find your contact information and call you myself. Hold on. I can’t find out […]

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Domain Name vs. Web Host

by Rachael Pierce
Monday, April 7th, 2008

Often customers ask us what the difference is between their web hosting service and their domain name. While these two are closely related, and work hand-in-hand, they are separate entities. It can be helpful to house all of these services under one roof, so you deal with one company for all your websites needs. For […]

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Website Navigation Menu Tips

by Jacqueline Sinex
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

Using CSS (style sheets) to style the links of your website menu can be advantageous, both for search-friendliness and for usability. It is easy to set up styles for your links once you become somewhat comfortable with using style sheets. You can even make the links look just like tabs or buttons, with or without […]

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Deceptive Marketing About Domain Names

by Jacqueline Sinex
Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

We have had a growing number of questions lately about these very hasty emails and letters that start with something like “Final Notice of Domain Extension”. They go on to explain how you will lose this opportunity to secure your domain if you don’t act right away – by contacting them and, of course, paying […]

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