WWW Learning Center Category

What Internet Marketing Has the Best ROI?

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, January 26th, 2009

Update: Angie’s List has since been renamed Angi, and Google Adwords has since been renamed Google Ads. This question is actually more like a challenge. The first part of the answer probably disappoints you: it depends. The best marketing tool depends on things like your industry, your audience, and your goals, among other things. To […]

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A New Wrinkle in an Old Trick

by Bryan Lokey
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

As we have mentioned before, there are a lot of methods that deceptive domain registrars use to trick you into registering a domain with them. One trick we previously mentioned involved sending a final extension notice for a domain that you never even registered. A new trick these companies are using involves sending an email […]

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Hail to The Thief: How Obama Stole the Hearts of America and Taught Us All About Business Marketing

by Bryan Lokey
Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

There are two kinds of internet marketing, the kind that works, and the other kind. Mimicry has become less a form of flattery, and more of a standard operation procedure, so who better to mimic than the man who marketed himself so well that he became one of the most powerful men in the world. […]

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E-Learning: Out of the Classroom and Onto the Web

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, December 22nd, 2008

Does your company offer courses for professional certifications that require students to spend several hours in a classroom every year? How much more convenient would it be for those individuals to study from their home or office? E-Learning Examples Real estate industry courses with multiple chapters, interactive Flash quizzes, random security check que

A Different Kind of Web Host

by Bryan Lokey
Monday, December 1st, 2008

Are you getting good value for the money you spend on your web host? If you have ever had a problem with your website, you probably found out. When you have a problem you want to know that you can trust your web hosting company to treat it as importantly as you do. Many web […]

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Quick Tip: Your Digital Business Card

by Bryan Lokey
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

How do you sign your outgoing email? Does that signature reflect the image you want to be projected for your business? Your outgoing email signature not only communicates your contact information but can also be a great way to drive visitors to your website. A standard email signature format for your company conveys professionalism and […]

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Make Your Website a Touchpoint

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Many marketing experts will advise you to have multiple touchpoints for your customers and prospects some way to contact those people repeatedly and keep you in their minds. You might mail a postcard, make a follow-up phone call, or even visit their doorstep. But remember that your website should also serve as a communications tool. […]

Stop, Drop, and Roll Your Website Into Shape: Key Mistakes to Avoid

by Bryan Lokey
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Trim down your homepage. Your homepage should draw people into your site and make them want to see more. It should not only be easy to read but should load quickly as well. Although high-speed internet is quickly becoming the standard, there is still a large percentage of people who connect through dial-up. If your […]

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