WWW Learning Center Category

How To Create a Rollover Link with CSS

by Bobby Martinez
Thursday, February 19th, 2009

One of the easiest and neatest tools that you can utilize for web design is the rollover link. You’ve probably seen a link that will change the size, color, or take on an underline when you roll your mouse over the link. This creates easy navigation for the user and can highlight an otherwise plain […]

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Wacky Wednesday in the PR House: Series 1, Part 1: Creating an Effective PR Plan

by Rachael Pierce
Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

We all need to have a plan. A plan to do the laundry. A plan to exercise. A plan to keep in touch with friends. A plan for your PR campaign. We need plans. Some of them are more trivial than others – a plan for your PR is not one of them. In order […]

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Quick Tip: SEO for Firefox Add-on

by Bryan Lokey
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

What tools do you use to evaluate your site’s SEO? Hopefully, by now, you know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important for increasing your site rank with search engines. When trying to increase your site ranking and boost your SEO it is important that you have a clear sense of your rankings so you […]

Easy Internet Marketing Part 1: Online Forums

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, February 16th, 2009

Even the most unusual hobbies have community websites dedicated to connecting people with similar interests. Do some quick searching and you are bound to find at least one forum related to your industry – or better yet, related to your target audience. If you are selling baby products, then joining a forum dedicated to new […]

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The House that WordPress Built

by Bobby Martinez
Friday, February 13th, 2009

Blogs, content management systems, and forums represent the bleeding edge of website functionality. Gone are the days when static content was needed merely to establish internet credibility; websites with unchanging information are soon eclipsed by peers with news updates, opinions, and reasons for returning viewers to interact with one another. With thi

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How To: The Easy 3 Step PHP Redirect

by Bobby Martinez
Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Chances are you’ve seen a link like www.example.com/vote that will link you somewhere, even if it is not on example.com. If you own your own website, you’ve probably even wondered how to use this to your advantage. Your initial thought might be, but only an internet wizard of mythical proportions and years of studying the […]

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Stuck in a Rut? Topic Selection Made Easy

by Rachael Pierce
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Many of us are trying to get as much content out to our customers, colleagues, networking partners, (and many others) as possible. We always say content is king so if you fit this bill, you are definitely on the right track. Even though you are on the right track, sometimes it is easy to get […]

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Fonts for the Web

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, February 9th, 2009

Suppose you have spent a good deal of time and money working on your company branding, and your business logo has a beautiful scripted font that you are ever so proud of. Having this fancy logo is certainly fine, but don’t count on translating that same font into all of the body text for your […]

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