WWW Learning Center Category

Signs that Your Business Needs a Digital Marketing Agency

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

No matter the industry, today’s businesses rely on digital marketing. This is also known as online marketing. It is a type of marketing that uses electronic devices, such as smartphones and computers, to engage with customers. Strategies include posting on social media, investing in paid advertising, sending out email newsletters, and implementing best

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Enter 2023 with New Year’s Resolutions for Small Businesses

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

New Year’s is a celebration of new beginnings. We spend the night prior with our friends and family, enjoying the building anticipation for the clock to strike midnight. Before this, you might already have your New Year’s resolutions prepared, whether it be for your personal life or your professional life. This way, you can go […]

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Are Emojis a Good Tool for Business Communication?

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

When engaging with your audience online, you want to be personable. That isn’t to say that you have to act like their best friend, filling up your newsletters and social media posts with jokes and colloquialisms. Of course, if that works well for you, then keep it up! The way you execute business communication with […]

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Understanding How Keyword Match Types Work

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Keywords are the phrases that tell search engines about the content on your website. When a user types a query into a search engine, they are expecting to receive meaningful information. Essentially, the significance of keywords comes from the users themselves. Therefore, advertisers and marketers alike need to be smart about the keywords they choose [&h

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Prepare Your E-Commerce Store for Holiday Promotions

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

We are in the midst of the most wonderful time of the year. This is especially true for e-commerce businesses. Around the holidays, you hope to see an influx of shoppers who are buying gifts for their family and friends, with the convenience of doing so online. But the reality is, you cannot bank on […]

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12 Tips for Posting Social Media Stories

by Megan Marshall
Friday, November 25th, 2022

There is no better way to build brand loyalty than through storytelling. Every time you make a post on social media, you should not solely be thinking about what products or services your business offers. Instead, you need to consider who you are at your core. What do you value? Where did you come from? […]

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What is Happening Right Now with Twitter?

by Megan Marshall
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

The primary purpose of Twitter is to connect people. Through this platform, users are able to share their thoughts, learn about products and services, and catch up on the latest news from around the world. It’s your one-stop shop for all things business, culture, and politics. Since its start in 2006, Twitter has grown into […]

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What is the Value of Metadata to Search Engines and Users?

by Megan Marshall
Friday, November 11th, 2022

Picture this… You search for something on Google. This could be something like “best orthodontist in Austin.” Google provides you with hundreds of thousands of search results that could direct you to the perfect orthodontist for you. But of all of the links that you see, you aren’t going to blindly start clicking. Instead, you […]

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