WWW Learning Center Category

Holiday Gift Guides: 5 Reasons to Add One to Your E-Commerce Website

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, December 3rd, 2018

American consumers are set to spend almost $800 each on holiday gifts this year. They are welcoming suggestions for where to spend those dollars. In fact, more than half of shoppers want, and use, guidance from retailers to help them choose the presents they buy. If that statistic alone isn’t enough to get you started […]

Gift box and red ribbon

Holiday Color Web Design Tips

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, November 29th, 2018

If you missed the chance to optimize your web design for one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year, do not despair. Consumers are still poised to spend hundreds of billions of dollars over the next month. Your business can get a piece of the profit pie with a little bit of prompt holiday […]

Miniature Truck with Tree

Tips for Promoting Holiday Products on Your E-Commerce Website

by Ruth Hawk
Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Between now and the end of December, website visitors will have one goal: To find holiday gifts to purchase. With more than a hundred billion dollars up for grabs, successfully promoting your holiday products on your e-commerce website is critical to a profitable season. Begin now! Implement promotional strategies that make it easy for visitors […

Rooster tablet

Tips for E-Commerce Website Holiday Images that Convert

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, November 15th, 2018

Consumers are poised to spend more than a hundred billion dollars on holiday shopping between November and December. It is time to get your e-commerce website dressed for the season. Consider adding holiday images to your site. The right images will improve your conversion rates, search engine optimization appeal, and overall effectiveness when trying to

Shopping bags

10 Ways to Repurpose Blog Content for Your Content Marketing Strategy

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, November 2nd, 2018

One of the elements of most content marketing strategies is a blog. Thanks to a blog’s ability to contribute to brand awareness and search engine optimization success. Blogging is a smart place to start when trying to build your online presence. Unfortunately, blog posts have to be refreshed pretty regularly. Keeping up with them and […]


10 Things that Google Discontinued

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, October 26th, 2018

On October 8, Google announced that it would shutter its social media channel Google+ in 2019, after revelations that Google+ had left users’ personal data vulnerable to hackers. And here are some ways this may impact your web design. While Google has gained a reputation for its wildly successful endeavors, including Google Hangouts, Gmail, Google

Google Plus

What We Learned Developing LMS Driving School Websites

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, September 28th, 2018

It may surprise some to learn that our agency has developed unique expertise in the area of learning management systems (LMS). We have actually developed online courses for a variety of industries, but are particularly experts in driving school websites. These projects are far from a standard brochure web design. Here are some of the […]

Online Driving Websites Development

6 Benefits of Custom Application Development

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

A custom web design project often requires custom application development. Everything from registration forms to shopping carts and online learning systems needs to be stamped with your company’s unique brand and created to fit your process. Here are just a few reasons to consider custom development for your next website project. Custom application

custom tailoring solutions