WWW Learning Center Category

The Best Website Styles for Your Business Type

by Maisie Cantrell
Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

There are so many options when it comes to web design: Colors! Layout! Content! While there is a whole lot of creativity that goes into designing a website, there is certain style “formulas” that some business types tend to follow. Selecting the right style for your company’s website can be quite a challenging decision, as […]

austin web design tips

The Key to B2B: 3 Ways to Curate Your Content for Corporate Audiences

by Maisie Cantrell
Thursday, May 27th, 2021

Writing for business-to-business (B2B) audiences can be quite daunting if you have never done it before. B2B content includes everything from emails to blog posts to whitepapers to social media content and more. With so many formats to pick from, it can be hard to create content that offers value to your audience. That said, […]

How to Curate Content for a Corporate Audience

Seize the Season: 3 Tips for Leveraging Seasonal Content to Boost Your SEO

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, May 17th, 2021

While having interesting and useful content that holds its value over time is usually received well by visitors and search engines alike, there are a few other content marketing strategies that serve to drive better search engine optimization (SEO) results.

Typing website content

How to Get Rid of Bad Backlinks to Improve Your Site’s SEO

by Maisie Cantrell
Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Find out how to get rid of toxic backlinks to boost your website’s search engine optimization in three simple steps.

3 Tips for Increasing Your Site Traffic Through Mobile UX Optimization

by Maisie Cantrell
Thursday, May 6th, 2021

According to SEMrush, 2020 saw a 22 percent increase in search traffic when compared to 2019, and 66 percent of all website visits in that same time period came from mobile devices. Things are going mobile because convenience is king. Consumers want to be able to find the nearest taco stand from their current location. […]

How to Have a Happy Website Development Experience

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, May 3rd, 2021

When you have a great relationship in life, things around you seem to fall into place, and you are more likely to succeed. Wouldn’t you like to have this same kind of experience in business relationships? Building a new website is a big endeavor for many businesses, even if you have a marketing manager with […]

Happy Web Development Hot Air Balloon Concept Image

The Bottom Line: How Page Load Time Impacts SEO

by Maisie Cantrell
Friday, April 30th, 2021

In recent years, page load time has been a go-to topic in terms of website improvement because it heavily influences how users perceive your brand. In fact, in many cases, a slow page speed can cause you to lose potential leads and customers. Moreover, page speed can impact your search ranking, meaning that a slow […]

Wireframe Wins: The Benefits of Wireframing in Web Design

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, April 26th, 2021

Every web designer can appreciate a good wireframe. Find out why as we explore the importance of wireframing in the web design process.

Wireframing exercise for web application design