WWW Learning Center

Web Design is Like a Box of Chocolates

"You never know what you're gonna get." This statement describes both sides of the web…

Google+ Creates A Potential New Avenue For SEO

Update: Google+ and Sparks are no longer around. Technology is in a perpetual state of…

Keeping and Eating Your E-Cake

Sometimes I hear someone hesitate to recommend any "wow" factors for their web design because…

Quick Sell Multiple Products

One of the things I like best about Magento shopping cart software is it's forward-thinking…

Should I Blog on Facebook?

For best SEO practices, build your blog content directly on your own website first. Then…

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

I think if I tried hard enough I could probably build my own house. A…

Is PHP Bad for SEO?

Remain calm, everyone. PHP is not your enemy. Some people might tell you that certain…

The Power of Daily Deal Sites

The rapid growth of "daily deal" websites like Groupon is truly exceptional. It seems like…

Making the Multi-Address Checkout Link Pretty on the Magento Cart Page

In a default Magento setup with a basic theme, Magento includes an option to "Checkout…

Creating a Second Language Section in WordPress

Let's face it: automated translation software just does not cut it. So what if I…