Web Design Category

Three Quick Ways to Add Searchable Content to Your Website

by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

Websites thrive when they contain relevant, engaging content. Learn some less time-consuming ways to add searchable content to your website.

Content Marketing

Signs It’s Time to Re-Design and Re-Develop Your Website

by Eli Newman
Friday, May 10th, 2019

With technology advancing quicker than ever, and people wanting their technology to be interactive, older website designs and practices are a thing of the past (or at least they should be). There are many indications that a website could greatly benefit from a facelift (an updated design), and – let’s call it a “juice cleanse” […]

Road Signs Outside

Is WordPress Right for Me?

by Ruth Hawk
Saturday, May 4th, 2019

If you have spent any time dealing with websites, you have likely heard of WordPress. This wildly popular and flexible content management system (CMS) allows you to build a high-quality website inexpensively and relatively easily.  However, like any CMS, WordPress is right for many people, but not right for others. Sometimes, a custom web design [&helli

Swipe Right for WordPress

Best Practices for Using Stock Photo Images in Your Website Design

by Stacey Welchley
Thursday, April 25th, 2019

In a digital world where oftentimes your website is the first interaction you have with potential clients, you, of course, want to put your best foot forward. Between the design of the page and the images you choose, you are trying to entice the viewer to do business with you. So where do you find […]

touch technology photo

Cool Free Tools for Website SEO and Design

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, April 5th, 2019

Check out these free tools for website SEO and design that are frequently used by professionals and small businesses.

website tools for seo and design

Holiday Color Web Design Tips

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, November 29th, 2018

If you missed the chance to optimize your web design for one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year, do not despair. Consumers are still poised to spend hundreds of billions of dollars over the next month. Your business can get a piece of the profit pie with a little bit of prompt holiday […]

Miniature Truck with Tree

E-Commerce Website Holiday Statistics from 2017 to Inform Your Holiday Prep

by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, October 30th, 2018

By all accounts, the 2017 holiday shopping season was a record-breaking one for e-commerce websites. From record overall sales to never-before-seen boons for small businesses. It seems that almost everyone had a chance to benefit from people’s growing love of shopping online. Now is the time (or, actually, past time) to begin prepping for this [&he

Phone shopper e-commerce

Why It’s More Important Than Ever To Care About Mobile Web Design: The Mobile-First Shift

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

You may have noticed that you recently received notifications from your Google Search Console that your site has been updated to mobile-first indexing. If you were not already thinking about your website’s mobile experience, this is a big clue that you need to get on board. The reason for this shift is that the monster of all search engines now recogni

Mobile phone design