SEO Category

Content Marketing Workshop Recap

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, May 29th, 2015

On May 20th, WEBii hosted a workshop called Content Marketing for Small Businesses and Non-Profits. Co-presented with Jessica Scanlon of Hot Dog Marketing, we covered various topics related to the landscape of online content. We were happy to see a variety of business owners and non-profit organization administrators attend. Participants included a pro

WEBii Event content marketing Workshop

Tips for DIY SEO in 2015

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, May 8th, 2015

Small businesses often wonder how to improve their SEO rankings on a limited budget. The good news is that there are many things a small business can do to improve its rankings.

Google Doodle example

The Real Flow of Online Marketing

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

Websites are the central hub of marketing today, right? Well, maybe there is a little more to it than that. Traditionally, we plan out our web design and populate it with some content. Then we establish all of our social media channels and make them pretty with our branded graphics. Next, we start telling people […]

Basic cyclical flow of marketing

Trying to Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

by Samantha Rivera
Monday, April 6th, 2015

So you’ve invested some major money in professional web development and an aesthetically pleasing site for your business. Receiving new customers doesn’t just require improving your search engine optimization services. You’re receiving a lot of traffic, but you can’t manage to turn all of that traffic into business. Is there something your websit

website visitors who love you

SEO Trends and Observations from the Q1 SEO Checklist

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, April 3rd, 2015

Various changes are among us in the SEO world. It’s often difficult to keep up, even for professional SEO companies. In Google’s quest to feed the world with valuable content that will keep them recognized as the top search engine, rules get tougher on content providers. If you own a website, that means you. Mobile Responsive […]

seo mobile and other trends

Blogs Are Not Just for Bloggers

by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, March 16th, 2015

Do you care about website traffic? What about customer relationships? These things are directly impacted by the content of your website.

Why Is Content So Important for SEO?

by Lizzy Cederberg
Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

This is a question we get asked a lot – why does content matter so much? The truth is, it matters because search engines care about it.

business blogging and websites

5 Things Hollywood and Websites Have in Common

by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, January 23rd, 2015

While it might seem like an unlikely pair, there are several things that websites have in common with the stereotypes of Hollywood.
