SEO Category

Comparing Austin SEO Companies: Differentiation at its Finest

by Maisie Cantrell
Saturday, January 4th, 2020

Ending your professional relationship with an SEO company feels just as bad as any other breakup. Discover what to look for when comparing Austin SEO companies.

comparing companies concept with pineapples

E-Commerce Site Refresh: When is it Time to Update Your E-Commerce Site?

by Maisie Cantrell
Friday, December 27th, 2019

Maintaining an E-Commerce site is now more important than ever. Look for these 6 red flags that signal it's time for revisions.

e-commerce downturns and red flags cliff concept

3 Things to Stop Right Now for a More Productive SEO Strategy in 2020

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, December 20th, 2019

The new year brings many opportunities to try new things with your website and your marketing strategy. Exciting new trends and changes in these fields give you many options for sprucing up your online presence. One focus you might want to adopt for the new year, however, is to also stop doing certain things that […]

Keywords SEO Puzzle Concept

Are Keywords Still Important for SEO?

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, October 21st, 2019

Back in the early days of search, keywords were the heart and soul of search engine optimization. Filling content with the right search terms was an almost guaranteed way of drawing in visitors and making money off of your site. Today, some argue, keywords are no longer necessary. Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it […]

Magic 8-Ball

Search Marketing and ROI: Facts and Figures to Support Its Profitability

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, October 17th, 2019

If you are spending money on digital ads, it is very important that your ads earn you a satisfactory ROI. Can search marketing deliver?

Google M-n-Ms

4 Tips to Speed Up Website Loading Speed Today

by Stacey Welchley
Friday, October 11th, 2019

Here are four tricks that can help get you on the right track and show some instant results in your website speed.

Comptuer Turtle

PPC Advertising vs. SEO

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

PPC advertising and SEO have the same end result: Placing your website at the top of the search results. Their methods for achieving this goal, however, differ.

weighing differences between seo and ppc

Add Value to Your Website with Website Videos

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, September 19th, 2019

People are not just using website videos for entertainment. Video content is used to educate and influence buying decisions.

Meeting Video