Search Engine Optimization Category

Looking Ahead: How to Adjust Your SEO Strategy Following a Global Pandemic

by Maisie Cantrell
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

2020 has hardly made it to halfway over and COVID-19 has disrupted nearly all aspects of life. People must make major changes to their everyday lives in order to adapt to the new normal, while businesses have to brace themselves for the negative economic impact that the pandemic will cause (and already has). For companies […]

Coronavirus theme web editing and preparations

How to Take Advantage of the Benefits of Internal Linking via Austin SEO Experts

by Maisie Cantrell
Monday, April 6th, 2020

Austin SEO Experts can help create a logical linking structure for your website, boosting it's search engine ranking and credibility.

Austin SEO Experts linking ideas and pages together

Are Landing Pages Important For Search Engine Optimization?

by Ruth Hawk
Sunday, March 29th, 2020

As an entry point for visitors, landing pages bolster a company's search engine optimization efforts - take a look at some of the reasons why.

search engine optimization landing page

Grow Your Company with Small Business SEO

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, January 24th, 2020

Search engine optimization has the power to transform your online presence into a powerful and appealing one. That means you can attract more website visitors, enjoy more leads and conversions, and show up as an industry leader when people search within your field. So why don't more small businesses take advantage of small business SEO?

Small business meeting about SEO and projects

3 Things to Stop Right Now for a More Productive SEO Strategy in 2020

by Ruth Hawk
Friday, December 20th, 2019

The new year brings many opportunities to try new things with your website and your marketing strategy. Exciting new trends and changes in these fields give you many options for sprucing up your online presence. One focus you might want to adopt for the new year, however, is to also stop doing certain things that […]

Keywords SEO Puzzle Concept

Are Keywords Still Important for SEO?

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, October 21st, 2019

Back in the early days of search, keywords were the heart and soul of search engine optimization. Filling content with the right search terms was an almost guaranteed way of drawing in visitors and making money off of your site. Today, some argue, keywords are no longer necessary. Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it […]

Magic 8-Ball

Search Marketing and ROI: Facts and Figures to Support Its Profitability

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, October 17th, 2019

If you are spending money on digital ads, it is very important that your ads earn you a satisfactory ROI. Can search marketing deliver?

Google M-n-Ms

4 Tips to Speed Up Website Loading Speed Today

by Stacey Welchley
Friday, October 11th, 2019

Here are four tricks that can help get you on the right track and show some instant results in your website speed.

Comptuer Turtle