PR/Advertising Category
Social Media: Not Just a Fad
by Morgan
Sunday, September 13th, 2009
Fads of the Decades 1960s: tie-dye, lava lamps, and ouija boards 1970s: tetherball, pet rocks, and Farrah Faucet hair 1980s: parachute pants, Rubik’s cube, and Jazzercise 1990s: Tamagotchi, chat rooms, and spandex 2000s: Crocs, Hannah Montana, and… social media?? Consider the Following (Adapted from Erik Qualman’s Article, Social Media:

Quick Tips: Interactive Media Frenzies
by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, August 3rd, 2009
2009 is proving to be a turning point in the number of small business owners who have asked us about using audio and/or video media in their websites. But while awareness of these interactive mediums has grown, it isn’t always advisable to start plastering video and audio files all over your website. Remember to go […]

Right Message, Wrong Medium
by Rachael Pierce
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
Okay, you’ve got it. You have the perfect message (and ravishing design to go along with it) and now you are charged with the task of figuring out which medium works best for your message/design. All mediums are not created equal for every message, idea, or campaign. Picking the right medium means you have to […]

Quick Tip: Make Your Copy Work for You
by Rachael Pierce
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009
When you write copy for marketing materials, you need to make it work. You only have one shot to grab your customers’ attention and to make them read what you’ve written. Not only does your copy need to be catchy and informative, but it also needs to be error-free and the best possible writing you […]