Marketing Category
Search Engine Marketing Techniques to Maximize Conversions
by Ruth Hawk
Friday, March 10th, 2017
Search engine marketing has an important role to play in supporting the online marketing efforts of businesses. With the right techniques, you can maximize conversions and minimize the cost of running your SEM campaign. Here are a few of those techniques.

Why Should Small Businesses Have a Website?
by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, February 23rd, 2017
Small business does not have to mean small impact. With the advent of the digital age came an opportunity for small businesses to expand their reach beyond their local circle. Website development offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to build your small business.

The 4 Qualities that Define Relevant Content
by Ruth Hawk
Friday, February 17th, 2017
The term “relevant” gets thrown around quite frequently in discussions about website content. However, the term itself is a bit generic. What, for example, makes for relevant content? While the specific form that relevancy takes depends on your business and your target audience, there are four qualities that are present in all effective content marke

How to Do Keyword Research
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, January 16th, 2017
Keyword research is an important step in setting up a successful search engine optimization campaign. By learning how to brainstorm, research, and evaluate keywords, you can more successfully choose keywords that will contribute to your website's success.

Why SEO Performance Guarantees are B.S.
by Jacqueline Sinex
Friday, December 9th, 2016
As SEO differs from paid advertising, there are many reasons why performance-based guarantees are difficult. Learn how to recognize a good SEO company and what they should be doing.

4 Ways to Create Effective Holiday SEO for your Custom E-Commerce Website
by Ruth Hawk
Friday, November 18th, 2016
The holidays provide a unique opportunity to boost sales for your e-commerce website. Here are a few ways to use SEO to capture more of those sales.

Voice Search Optimization Tips
by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
There is a shift occurring in the method people use to conduct many of their online searches. How does mobile voice search effect your SEO strategy?

Social Media Strategies to Improve Your SEO
by Ruth Hawk
Monday, August 15th, 2016
Did you know that social media can strengthen your search engine optimization efforts? While SEO is often thought of as relevant only for websites, a company’s presence on social media channels (such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest) can influence its SEO performance. Google recognizes that a business’ performance on social media is one indic