Marketing Category
Stuck in a Rut? Topic Selection Made Easy
by Rachael Pierce
Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
Many of us are trying to get as much content out to our customers, colleagues, networking partners, (and many others) as possible. We always say content is king so if you fit this bill, you are definitely on the right track. Even though you are on the right track, sometimes it is easy to get […]

Fonts for the Web
by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, February 9th, 2009
Suppose you have spent a good deal of time and money working on your company branding, and your business logo has a beautiful scripted font that you are ever so proud of. Having this fancy logo is certainly fine, but don’t count on translating that same font into all of the body text for your […]

Knowing Your Target Audience is Paramount
by Rachael Pierce
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
Everyone wants to make the most out of their marketing efforts. You are most likely spending money, and hoping for a steadfast return. There are a few basic areas you can cover to help aid your efforts. One thing people often forget to do is thoroughly analyze their target market/audience before they begin their campaign. […]

5 Techniques to Drive Traffic
by Bryan Lokey
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009
Internet marketing has quickly become overrun with people willing to give suggestions. The methods they suggest run the gambit from reasonable to absurd. This litany of suggestions can often leave people confused and unsure of whose opinion to trust. Worst of all, what is often lost in all of these suggestions is the simple and […]

Identity Legacy
by Bobby Martinez
Friday, January 30th, 2009
We live in a visual world saturated with symbolism. A walk down the street brings us the sight of billboards, posters, signs in shop windows, and even vinyl graphics on corporate vehicles. This visual saturation, which has changed the experience and process of business, began over sixty years ago, and continues to the present day […]

What Internet Marketing Has the Best ROI?
by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, January 26th, 2009
Update: Angie’s List has since been renamed Angi, and Google Adwords has since been renamed Google Ads. This question is actually more like a challenge. The first part of the answer probably disappoints you: it depends. The best marketing tool depends on things like your industry, your audience, and your goals, among other things. To […]

E-Learning: Out of the Classroom and Onto the Web
by Jacqueline Sinex
Monday, December 22nd, 2008
Does your company offer courses for professional certifications that require students to spend several hours in a classroom every year? How much more convenient would it be for those individuals to study from their home or office? E-Learning Examples Real estate industry courses with multiple chapters, interactive Flash quizzes, random security check que

Quick Tip: Your Digital Business Card
by Bryan Lokey
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
How do you sign your outgoing email? Does that signature reflect the image you want to be projected for your business? Your outgoing email signature not only communicates your contact information but can also be a great way to drive visitors to your website. A standard email signature format for your company conveys professionalism and […]