
E-Commerce Website Image

4 More Ways to Build Trust in an E-Commerce Website

In my blog 4 Ways to Convince People to Buy From Your Online Store, I…

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Austin City (un)Limited: ACL and Effective Web Design

This is one of the most exciting times of the year in Austin. The seasons…

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What are the Best Keywords For My Website?

It all starts with words - keywords. People often hear about these "keywords", and they…

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SEO Trends Even More Toward Content

Let's be honest, it is really Google that has always set the bar for relevant…

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Beach Bums: Reaching Your Clients Outside of the Office

With summer in full swing and Independence Day in our rearview mirror, we tend to…

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Your Internet Stamp: Domain Names

Domain names are a key component of every website. Establishing a domain name is one…

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E-Commerce: 4 Follow Up Marketing Tips

When you have an e-commerce site, you have ample opportunities to re-market to your customer…


A Happy Internet: E-Receipts

We like to talk about "going green". People, as well as companies, are hunting for…

The Power of Daily Deal Sites

The rapid growth of "daily deal" websites like Groupon is truly exceptional. It seems like…

Handling Negative Reviews Online

Update: Google Places is now called Google Business Profile. These days, when potential customers want…