How To Category

User Experience Tips for a More Engaging Web Design

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, August 16th, 2018

In some ways, the marker of a successful web design is the impression it makes on the site's visitors. If they are happy, engaged, and taking action as a result of your web pages, than it is likely you have found the right look for your business. As a result, crafting an engaging user experience is important. By transforming a site from just being beauti

Website user design

Tips for E-Commerce Websites During the Summer Lull

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

If you feel as if the business you earn from your e-commerce website slows down in the summer, it's not just your imagination. Sales can drop by up to 30 percent over the summer. However, all is not lost. While your summer sales may never be as vibrant as your Thanksgiving and Christmas profits, you can still encourage spending during July and August by

Summer concept

Reasons to Future Proof Your E-Commerce Website

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Your e-commerce website is your company's lifeblood. Through it, you earn the sales, brand recognition, and customers you need to thrive as a business. And that means that you cannot be satisfied with simply creating a look that looks and works great today. Called future proofing a website, taking steps to ensure that your site continues to keep up is im

Benefits of Making Online Event Registration Part of Your Website Development

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Event registration has a number of advantages. However, manual registration can be time consuming and expensive. It requires manpower and resources that your business may not necessarily possess. That is why online event registration can be a useful part of your website development.


How to Measure Search Engine Optimization Success

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, June 4th, 2018

When done right, search engine optimization has the potential to increase both traffic and leads to your website (in addition to raising brand awareness and trust among your target audience). Reaping those benefits is worth the consistent time and effort required to develop a robust SEO campaign. But, once you have a campaign in place, you will need to t

5 Tips for Creating Search Engine Optimized Content

by Ruth Hawk
Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

While the use of keywords has been the primary focus of search engine optimization since it earliest days, the reality is that more goes into SEO-optimized content than the smart use of targeted search terms. Now, as voice search explodes in popularity, it is even more important for businesses to focus not just on the use of keywords (important though th

Content is King SEO

Outdated Web Design Trends

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

When it comes to web design, best practices tend to come and go. Keeping up with these trends is important, because a fresh and modern website reflects positively on your business. Unfortunately, there are some trends that seem to persist despite being outdated or even counterproductive. The following are a few such practices that have outlived their use

Web Design Tips for User Friendly Online Forms

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Most websites have one or more forms that visitors can fill out to contact the business; sign up for emails, newsletters or magazines; purchase products and services; register to use the site, and more. While a reality of online business, forms can also be a bit tricky: Forms that visitors find unnecessary, too long, too complicated, too intrusive, or ju