How To Category

Quick Tip: HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

by Brian Disbot
Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Today almost everyone has a website of some sort. Whether it’s for business or pleasure, we are all connected to the Internet. Social media websites give you a generic, yet customizable theme that allows you to express yourself by posting text, pictures, videos, and listing your likes and dislikes. The World Wide Web encompasses so […]

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Quick Tip: How to Set Up Your Email Through Your Website

by Brian Disbot
Monday, April 2nd, 2012

So you have your website up and running. It’s receiving a decent amount of traffic and your business is beginning to expand. You’ve left the contact info and are beginning to have your private email filled with business-related matters. Now, you want to create an email through and connected to your business’s domain name. Gmail […]

Website Email Image

Your Internet Stamp: Domain Names

by Brian Disbot
Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Domain names are a key component of every website. Establishing a domain name is one of the first tasks completed when setting up a new site. Making a memorable, effective domain name is easier than you may think. Because this is such an important gateway to your business, here are a few suggestions for picking […]

Stamp Image

Visually Striking: Embedding Videos into Your Website

by Brian Disbot
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

We are a visually oriented society; from films and photography to illustration and art, we are stimulated in unique ways by endlessly varying combinations of pictures and motion. It follows that designing a website is a visually intense, interactive experience. There are many different aspects of style and design to consider. Whether aligning a page, [&h

Embed Videos Image

Social Media 102

by Lanie Crow
Thursday, November 10th, 2011

A guide to boosting your business using online tools… With the seemingly constant buzz over social networking, some people may wonder what all the fuss is about. How could these cleverly-named contrivances ever be relevant to your personal or professional life? The answer lies in people’s power. Millions of people use Facebook, Twitter, Linke

Staying Connected While You’re On The Go

by Marketing Editor
Friday, September 30th, 2011

The ability to stay connected is more important than ever in this digital age, and having the ability to access your emails on mobile devices such as your iPhone or iPad, has become essential for conducting business while out of the office. Though it is a useful resource, if you don’t know how to configure […]

Creating a Second Language Section in WordPress

by Jacqueline Sinex
Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Let’s face it: automated translation software just does not cut it. So what if I want to translate my English-based WordPress website into Spanish or another language? This can be done with a little bit of template editing and some unique pages. The suggestions below will help you establish an alternative navigation menu, display an […]

Flag colors and languages

Easy Steps to WordPress Sectional Sidebars

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

Situation: You have a Wordpress developed website and you want additional sidebars for different sections in the website, so you can display different widgets on different pages. This is especially handy for adding various sub-menus to different sections (like one for About Us section, a different menu for Contact Us). Solution: You don’t need to be

Menu sections