Austin Web Design Category

A Website Redevelopment Checklist

by Jacqueline Sinex
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

So, you’re developing a new website? Congratulations! But also – brace yourself! Maintaining and upgrading your website is important for all businesses and organizations, but it is also a process. When your project involves changing platforms or moving to a new provider, there are some delicate aspects to consider. This is a checklist of some

launching websites

Reasons to Future Proof Your E-Commerce Website

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Your e-commerce website is your company's lifeblood. Through it, you earn the sales, brand recognition, and customers you need to thrive as a business. And that means that you cannot be satisfied with simply creating a look that looks and works great today. Called future proofing a website, taking steps to ensure that your site continues to keep up is im

Benefits of Making Online Event Registration Part of Your Website Development

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Event registration has a number of advantages. However, manual registration can be time consuming and expensive. It requires manpower and resources that your business may not necessarily possess. That is why online event registration can be a useful part of your website development.


Font Tips for More Appealing Web Development

by Ruth Hawk
Monday, May 21st, 2018

The devil may be in the details, but so is effective web development. You may naturally want to focus on the low hanging fruit of graphics and content, but there are many other design elements that, while smaller or more detailed, are equally important. One of these elements is the font you choose for your site. While you can select a standard Times New


Outdated Web Design Trends

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

When it comes to web design, best practices tend to come and go. Keeping up with these trends is important, because a fresh and modern website reflects positively on your business. Unfortunately, there are some trends that seem to persist despite being outdated or even counterproductive. The following are a few such practices that have outlived their use

Web Design Tips for User Friendly Online Forms

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Most websites have one or more forms that visitors can fill out to contact the business; sign up for emails, newsletters or magazines; purchase products and services; register to use the site, and more. While a reality of online business, forms can also be a bit tricky: Forms that visitors find unnecessary, too long, too complicated, too intrusive, or ju

Mobile Web Design Must Haves

by Ruth Hawk
Thursday, April 19th, 2018

With mobile web design firmly entrenched as a necessity for any website, it is becoming important to define which elements constitute a strong mobile site. Despite the fact that more people use mobile devices to access the internet than desktop computers, many websites still settle for simply minimizing their regular site to fit the smaller screens of sm


5 Pages Most Web Designs Should Include (That You May Not Have Thought of)

by Ruth Hawk
Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Whether people realize it or not, they expect to find certain pages on all of the websites they visit. For example, 52 percent of people who end up on a company's homepage go looking for an About Us page (and more than 80 percent of them expect to find it off the homepage, in case you were wondering where to put it). And most people would be a little con