The Internet: Your Manual For Solving Life’s Problems

Though technology has made our lives inexplicably easier, it also comes with a learning curve.…

Social Media 102

A guide to boosting your business using online tools... With the seemingly constant buzz over…

Bartering and exchanging

Emails About Exchanging Links

So, you got an email from someone asking you to "exchange links" with their website.…

Report Card Time

Though the symbols may have changed from Stars and Smiles as kinder gardeners, to classic…

Gene Autry wearing a white hat

Google Says We Wear White Hats

In a recent video from Google, Matt Cutts explains his perspective on SEO and clears…

Twitter and Facebook

Social Media 101

An easy guide to boosting your business using online tools… With the seemingly constant buzz over…

ecommerce sale sign

E-Commerce: 4 Follow Up Marketing Tips

When you have an e-commerce site, you have ample opportunities to re-market to your customer…

Young Frankenstein - Its Alive!

It’s Alive! WEBii Relaunches Its Own Website

New look, new message, new energy. It's been a long journey, but we finally made…

E-Commerce: Getting Your Sales On

So now your e-commerce website is done and launched.  Congratulations! Oh, but wait a minute…

Learning from a Legend

iThink you have heard the news. Yesterday the world lost a visionary business and technology…