Transferring Domain Names

If you own a domain name, that means you registered that name with a registrar…

To Pal or Not to Pal: Should I Use PayPal On My Website?

First, let me just say there is not really one "PayPal" anymore. Over the years,…

Typography: What Your Font Says About You

There is a realm within the world of web design that holds typography as the…

“502 Forbidden” : The Importance of Usability Tests

One of the most important aspects of a website is usability. Web usability is defined…

Quick Tip: HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Today almost everyone has a website of some sort. Whether it’s for business or pleasure,…

Quick Tip: How to Set Up Your Email Through Your Website

So you have your website up and running. It’s receiving a decent amount of traffic…

Spring Cleaning Your Site

Spring is often synonymous with renewal. Whether it’s our habits or the conditions of our…

Beware of Fraud Alert Emails

There is a new wave of phishing spam emails hitting inboxes lately.  A "phishing" scam…

Your Internet Stamp: Domain Names

Domain names are a key component of every website. Establishing a domain name is one…

Visually Striking: Embedding Videos into Your Website

We are a visually oriented society; from films and photography to illustration and art, we…