How do I install WordPress?
You can easily install WordPress software on a WEBii hosting server.
This involves some simple steps to upload files to your site, and to connect WordPress with your database.
Before you begin the installation, there are a few things you need to have ready:
- Your FTP login and an FTP program (example: Filezilla).
- Your database credentials, including the database server URL, database name, database username, and password. If you do not already have a database setup, you should create a mySQL database in your cPanel.
- A web browser (examples: Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
- Download and unzip the WordPress program.
Here is the installation process:
- STEP 1: Using FTP, upload the WordPress files of the unzipped WordPress files into the root directory (/public_html) of your web server. (Or if you want to setup WordPress in a subfolder, upload it inside of the subfolder that is under /public_html.)
- STEP 2: Open a browser and visit your website url to bring up the wizard install program. (If your domain name is not yet live, you can visit your IP address. If you put the files in a subfolder like /public_html/blog, you will need to visit the url with /blog at the end.)
- STEP 3: Enter all the database info and make a very secure login/password, fill out all the fields asked during the program.
- STEP 4: Finish and confirm installation and start customizing your WordPress site.
Please note: Installing and maintaining custom software is not part of our standard web hosting technical support. For additional help with WordPress, consult with your web developer or request help from our professional web development services team.
If you would like more information about our web design and development services, please contact us.